Empire Homes & Loans | DRE 02119099 | NMLS 1997810






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Empire Homes & Loans


Meet Eddie

Eddie Quezada

Broker | DRE 01274170 | NMLS 1704086

I am an expert in my field, using over 20 years of real estate and mortgage experience to ensure that I deliver the best real estate and financing options available to my clients. I always take the time to educate my clients on the programs that are available to them and assist them on making decisions as to what the best options are to fit their needs. I am a lifelong resident of San Diego and am proud to call it home. In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with family, friends, cycling, and love to travel. I truly enjoy what I do and look forward to seeing the excitement and satisfaction in my clients as we work to make their home ownership a reality, whether it be their first home or their dream home.

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    2801 Camino Del Rio S, Ste 315-9, San Diego, CA 92108

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